  cant change my twitter background
I can't change my picture on twitter, I went on cant change my twitter background Settings . I'm having trouble accessing my profile, and sending messages. Also can't change my cant change my twitter background profile picture or background.

Yahoo! Drag the "Y!" and drop it onto the "Home" icon. Select "Yes" from the pop up window. Nothing, you're done.

I can't change my twitter background to something they don't offer..anyone know why? please help, thanks. :]

Yahoo! Drag the "Y!" and drop it onto the "Home" icon. Select "Yes" from the pop up window. Nothing, you're done.

Yahoo! Drag the "Y!" and drop it onto the "Home" icon. Select "Yes" from the pop up window. Nothing, you're done.

Welcome to Twitter Support! My profile & account settings . How to change background images: If you'd like to change your . If you can't update your settings, visit this page.

I can't get it to work. NO matter whta pc I put in the background stays white. Help please!

I still can

Whether you only take a few seconds to cant change my twitter background change the generic Twitter background to . my screen resolution where it works for my work and if I can

I can't change my background picture! I tried changing it manually as in . And then after that, I can't reset or change it back to a normal twitter background.

I can't change my twitter background to something they don't offer..anyone know why? please help, thanks. :]? 2 years ago; Report Abuse

. your twitter background . i think

When I try to change my background image on twitter. "Content can`t be blank" keeps coming up after I press save changes.. what should i do??

I've been having the same problem lately. I've been using Chrome, & that always comes up. Have you tried using a different
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